jeudi 25 juin 2020

Men Style Fashion

This original article was first published here: 9 Things to Do for a Productive Weekend

Weekends are the refreshments that determine our body’s productivity for the whole week. Imagine if there were no holidays on weekends? You would look like a robot that does the same things every day and night, won’t you? Even though we are thankful to have the weekend holidays, many of you might fail to make the best of it. People feel like time flies away a bit faster on weekends as compared to the weekdays.

Many people feel energetic by Friday night, but all their enthusiasm fades away as the Sunday night arrives. They find themselves lost in the dilemma of the end of the weekend and the start of Monday morning. But let us tell you that you can make your weekends more productive and start your Mondays with great energy. All you have to do is just plan certain things for your weekend. It doesn’t mean that you have to keep yourself busy, but indulge in some productive activities that can cheer up your mood.

In this article, you will come across a list of 9 things that you can do to make your weekend productive and cheerful.


  1. Go for a long walk:

We all know that nature is the best healer. So, plan a morning walk or an evening walk to a nearby park. You can take your family members along with you, to make it even more enjoyable. Marathon is also an option for you to indulge in fitness activities. Most of the marathons are scheduled for the weekends where everyone can be a part of it. Find such events and be a part of it rather than spending your weekend laying in the bed all day.


  1. Clean:

Cleaning keeps your mind active and creates a positive impact on your mood. It is often believed that we think according to the things that surround us. If you are surrounded by messy and boring things, you won’t feel good. Contrarily, if you are surrounded by fresh, clean, and organized things, your mind feels good. So, if you have a messy cupboard or an uncleaned kitchen, then start cleaning them. Properly organize the things and see how it reflects on your mood.


You can also try shuffling the couch or bed to a different place and add a new look to your bedroom and living room.


  1. Try some DIY decor work:

Does your storeroom have scrappy and useless things? Pull them out and start experimenting with your ideas. Search for some interesting DIY ideas on the internet and try to make the best out of waste. You will feel overwhelmed by your work once you create some useful things from these unnoticed pieces of scrap.



  1. Do something off from your work skills:

Try keeping yourself away from activities or things that are related to your work. This will help you in diverting your thoughts. You get the weekends to do something different from your work life. Don’t try to check your emails on weekends as you would get trapped by the same thoughts that you deal with on the weekdays.


  1. Choose your hobbies:

Hobbies such as playing instruments, swimming, painting, sketching, and similar things can make you feel productive and engaging. Even if you don’t have any hobbies, try learning new skills such as photography or dancing that can help you become productive. You can also invest your time in learning things that you need for a career change. All of these things can make your weekend more interesting and uplift your mood.


  1. Schedule some nap time:

It is a fact that most of us don’t get enough sleep during the weekdays. Our bodies get exhausted because of the daily routine. Sometimes we are unable to sleep due to the work pressure or the extra pending tasks on our list. So, better cut off some things from your to-do list on weekends and schedule short nap time. This way, you can catch your sleep and relax your mind.


  1. Spend quality time with your loved ones:

Most research studies show that people get frustrated at work because they don’t get to spend enough time with their family. You might have also observed that when you are pressured with work and can’t take time for your family, you start getting irritated over small things. Hence, plan some games or fun activities with your family members, go out for movies, or visit a nearby park on the weekends and see the difference. You will start feeling relaxed and more productive as you spend some quality time with them.


  1. Take time off from digital media:

On weekdays, you might be spending 8-9 hours at your work sitting in front of your laptop and the rest of the time on your mobile. Many people are involved so much in digital media that they lack their focus on doing basic things. Spending a lot of time on the internet affects our mental health. Thus, you need to start taking time off from the digital media at least on the weekends. Try to read new books or magazines that help you in learning new things. You can plan and set reminders for yourself to spend specific time on your phone or laptop screens.

  1. Try a new recipe:

Some people find peace in cooking new recipes or baking cakes. You can try your hands on your favorite recipe and see how it goes. You will feel happy after investing your time in doing things that teach you something different. You can even surprise your family members by offering them your newly tried recipe.



These were some of the things that you can start including in your weekends. But make sure that you also find enough time to relax and disconnect from everything for a while. You can plan your things and decide on what things you would really like to do for the coming weekend. Keep on switching things so that you don’t get bored by repeating them every weekend.


Please visit: Men Style Fashion for more articles like this.

from Men Style Fashion

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